Biosecurity Project in Georgia

Strengthening Biosafety & Biosecurity in the Caucasus Region


Due to the endemic occurrence of high-consequence pathogens and limited testing capacity, there is still a great need for training and studies in biosafety & biosecurity as well as infectious disease diagnostics in Georgia. A persistent shortage of qualified scientific and technical laboratory staff is likely to continue to result in significant underreporting of infections throughout the country.
In addition, Georgia's geostrategic location makes it a key player in the security of the Caucasus region. The possibility of terrorist or criminal groups attempting to get hold of pathogens endemic to Georgia cannot be excluded.


Since 2013, the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit have been implementing the project in the Caucasus region commissioned by the Federal Foreign Office as part of the German Biosecurity Programme.
The aim is to strengthen biosafety & biosecurity capacities and ensure sustainable knowledge transfer in Georgia and the Caucasus region.


The National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) in Tbilisi is the central partner institution for the implementation of the project objectives. The Ministry of the Interior has been identified as a reliable partner for the training of first responders.
The biosecurity project focuses on

  • Training specialists in the diagnosis of high-consequence pathogens
  • Strengthening the capacity of professionals to apply international laboratory standards
  • Studies on the occurrence of high-consequence pathogens in the Caucasus region
  • Supporting the development of regional cooperation in research and biosafety & biosecurity
  • Promotion of young scientists in Georgia

As part of the German Enable & Enhance Initiative, mobile laboratory capacity will be established at the partner institute NCDC.